Mullenix v. Luna

Supreme Court of the United States, Per Curiam, Filed Nov. 9, 2015,
Qualified Immunity – Qualified immunity applied to police officer because no precedent clearly established that he was not allowed to shoot to disable a vehicle driven by a man who threatened to shoot police that approached

(Concur- Scalia – Would not call shooting at the vehicle application of deadly force)
(Dissent – Sotomayor – Because the actions were unreasonable, should lose qualified immunity)
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Post Procedure Change

Given that the majority of “week in review” postings have been walls of text of varying height, future opinion reviews (after this week) will be posted individually (allowing for more in-depth commentary and independent tagging) and “week in review” postings will consist of CONCISE summaries linking to the individual postings and the relevant opinion. This will also allow for more timely posting of relevant material.